Teaching and Societal Engagement
Teaching experience (2018-onwards):
- MSc thesis supervision (MSc MPA and MSc Global Health programs, Athena Institute)
- Literature review projects (MSc MPA program, Athena Institute)
- Essentials of Science, Business and Innovation (BSc course, Faculty of Science, VU University Amsterdam)
- Transdisciplinarity & Transition (MSc course, Faculty of Science, VU University Amsterdam)
- Transities naar Groene Zorg (BSc course, Faculty of Science, VU University Amsterdam)
- Challenges to Health System Innovation (PhD and MSc course, Athena Institute)
- System Innovation and Transition Management (MSc Earth Sciences, University of Amsterdam)
- International Comparative Analysis of Health Systems (MSc course, Athena Institute)
- Managing Science & Technology in Society (MSc course, Athena Institute)
- Food and Quality of Life (BSc course, VU University Amsterdam)
- Management of Innovations (BSc course, VU University Amsterdam)
- Applications of Food and Nutrition Security Analysis (BSc course, VU University Amsterdam)
- Guest lectures in various MSc and BSc courses at the VU Athena Institute
Conference contributions:
- 2022-05 NEST (early career Transitions Network conference) – presenting paper on democracy & justice in transitions (with Julia Tschersich, Utrecht University).
- 2021-10: IST (International Sustainability Transitions conference) – co-chairing panel session on agri-food systems.
- 2021-09: ITD (International Transdisciplinarity Conference) – co-chairing panel session on reflexive research design.
- 2021-06: IPA (Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference) – presenting paper on politics of Living Labs
- 2021-06: EU-SPRI (European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation) – presenting paper on policy innovation (with Petra Wagner, AIT).
- 2021-04: NEST (early career Transitions Network conference) – presenting paper on politics of Living Labs
- 2021-02: On Sustainability conference – presenting paper on translocal experimentation for sustainability transitions
- 2021-02: On Sustainability conference – presenting paper on the politics of stakeholder inclusion in transdisciplinarity for sustainable transformation
- 2019-09: Food Systems Symposium (Amsterdam) – poster presentation on FIT4FOOD2030 (with Alanya den Boer, VU)
- 2018-2020: co-organization, co-design and co-facilitation of 4 (internal) FIT4FOOD2030 conferences in Brussels/online.
- Short interview about FIT4FOOD2030.
Workshops and trainings:
I regularly engage with societal stakeholders through workshops and training sessions that I (co-)facilitate and design. In these co-creation sessions, participants are stimulated to learn from each other, bridge differences, reflect upon their own roles, and create visions and pathways for transformation.
I have facilitated workshops and trainings on topics such as agri-food transitions; co-creating visions and pathways towards sustainable futures; personal learning and reflection; co-creating policy pathways, co-designing system innovations; politics and power; and Responsible Research and Innovation.
I was involved in designing learning and training sessions (10 two-day training sessions) for coordinators of the FIT4FOOD2030 Labs. I organized workshops with EU (policy) stakeholders on pathways toward Responsible Research & Innovation and on innovations in EU agri-food systems.
With colleagues in the FIT4FOOD2030 project, we developed the food system transformation Knowledge Hub that contains dozens of exercises and practical tools to use when engaging in co-creation efforts aimed at stimulating food system transformation.

Above: pictures from conferences, workshops and training sessions part of the FIT4FOOD2030 project; in Brussels, Amsterdam, Vienna and online.